I spent the last two weeks of August on a unique photographic and video project.
How do you prove with photographic and video evidence that a human powered helicopter gets off the ground, flies for 1 minute and achieves a height of 3 meters.
Good question… Here’s one way…
You use an array of eleven cameras, both still and video, pretty much all DSLRs and you shoot with wide and normal lenses to give you the resolution and documentary evidence you need, You calibrate everything and log all attempts and videos for verification.
You also use a high vantage point camera, three stories in the air to try and capture the whole aircraft, barely.
The AreoVelo team is still striving for the Sikiorsky prize, so we’ll have the chance to do all this again…
Next attempt, we’ll plan for even more cameras, and we’ll see if we can hang one on the aircraft itself for a birds eye view of the entire flight.