At Midnight Your SFOC turns into a Pumpkin!

At midnight, May 31, the new Transport Canada RPAS rules come into force and most if not all Standing Complex and Standing SFOCs turn into pumpkins.

SFOCs issued from at least the beginning of the year and often earlier contain a clause stating that they expire when the new regulations come into force.

And surprisingly some people seem to be unaware of that fact, and do not have pilot certificates or registration of the RPAS completed.

At the DroneTalks conference this week, the TC team pointed out that the RCMP as well as local police forces across Canada have the ability to issue tickets.

And TC says there will be zero leniency on offenses. Not having your RPAS registered will cost at least $250. Fines for no pilot certificate are the same or more.

You can grab more details Here or at TCs website Here

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