Stillmotion #storytellingwithheart

I decided some time ago to take fewer seminars, and instead focus on opportunities to learn from real masters in photography and filmmaking.

i had an opportunity this last weekend to attend one of the stops on stillmotion’s Storytelling With Heart seminar series. This one was held in downtown Toronto March 15th.


Being a big fan of the stillmotion approach to storytelling, I’ve taken a few of their seminars and thoroughly enjoyed each one. This seminar was no exception.

Using the direct action of a 9 year old and her lemonade stand as a working example, the #standwithme documentary. In the film  stillmotion explored the tough story about global slavery and how one voice worked so hard to eradicate it. All by selling lemonade.

They put together a brilliant seminar series based on making the documentary as a real world example.

stillmotion advocates a set of approaches to motivate, organize and expand our story making abilities. And they demonstrate all the theory about with a set of improv that puts the theory into action!

The stillmotion team held a local screening Friday night, followed by the seminar on Saturday and a morning of shooting and networking on Sunday. Starting at 9am on Sunday, 20 or so intrepid filmmakers ventured out in the arctic blast that invaded  Toronto this weekend, to shoot some scenes for the tour film being produced, as well as take some time to network with fellow GTA filmakers.

If you get a chance, this is one stillmotion educational experience absolutely worth attending. And as an added bonus you may find yourself learning more about global and child slavery and get motivated to take personal action.

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