The advent of modern flight controllers, GPS and better batteries, coupled with brilliant designs and some serious leg work by various manufacturers, including DJI, Blade and Team Black Sheep TBS), has brought capability and notoriety to multirotor aircraft (or drones or small unmanned aerial vehicles).
It turns out that these drones are an incredibly capable platform for unique aerial perspectives in both videography and photography.
We think there is some seriously great ability here to provide aerial photographic services in a manner that is cost effective and safe.
Using a pretty cool aerial platform by TBS, we at ckmmphotographic are gearing up to add aerial capability to our video and photo services. We are training to fly these with GoPRo Hero cameras and stabilized gimbals to provide an new perspective.
One of the lead-in slides for our site has an example of the aerial perspectives possible with our drone.
We’ve started gearing up, building up our flight time in our camera platforms and assessing the capability of these drones. We’re pulling together our demo reel to show the power of this new tool.
More to come.