2015 Unmanned Systems Conference in Halifax, NS

As part of our initiative to add Aerial Photography and Videography to our services, ckmmphotographic attended the Unmanned Systems Conference in Halifax from Nov 3 to 5th, to get a sense of the value of the conference, do some networking with other small operators in commerical filming  space and to get a sense of where Transport Canada was going on the new regulations that are promised for the end of 2016.

The conference currently has very much of an tech industry, military complex orientation, with a full day dedicated to the military application of UAVs.

Having said that, the USC has recognized the increasing use of UAVs outside of the larger industrial and military uses and is engaging with smaller operators to get content more relevant to those UAV operators.

Next year’s conference is to be held in Edmonton. I think there is enough value to attend to get the latest industry updates,  meet others in the industry, and offers an excellent networking and educational opportuity for small operators to understand the challenges in operating sUAVs.

See you there.

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